
How to create a killer newsletter


BY Haydon Macleod


4 August 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Newsletter campaigns are a great way to keep in touch with your customer base and drive them back to your services again and again, they help keep your business familiar in their minds. Mailers can often be overlooked as ineffective and time-consuming, but if done correctly, they can be a game-changer!

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your newsletter:

Use catchy subject lines.

Be fun and specific with your subject lines. Let your readers know what’s inside, too much guesswork will turn them off. ‘Read this email if you like beers, websites or podcasts’ was one of our highest performing subject lines because it was clear yet broad enough to pique the interest of our diverse audience.

Always link back to your business.

Ideally, your newsletter should be boosting your business and driving traffic to your website. Link articles and projects back to corresponding pages on your website. Newsletter clicks are not easy to come by, don’t waste them by sending readers away from your business.

Send from a human, not a business.

Our newsletters used to come from ‘Digital Noir’, but since changing to ‘Haydon @ DN’ we’ve noticed a boost in open rates. Readers are more likely to engage if they can see that your newsletter is coming from a real person.

Less text, more clicks.

Similarly to a film trailer, you don’t want to give away too much of the story early on. A strong headline and small excerpt from the article you’re sharing is enough to build interest and get your readers clicking. More on this point in ‘How to make your blog link irresistible’ by Mel.

Make it look professional.

Platforms like Mailchimp have many beautifully designed templates that can be easily adjusted to match your own branding. They also have great features like videos, social media links and call-to-action buttons you can embed into your emails.


GIFs are a fun way to add some movement to your newsletter and are accepted by almost all mail clients (who uses Microsoft Outlook anyway?).

That should be enough to get you started…

Just remember to keep your newsletters fun, personable and regular enough that your readers don’t forget you exist.

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Haydon Macleod

Haydon is a member of our design team, and has already shown comprehension and collaboration skills beyond his years. Top it all off with a wicked (if not sometimes weird) sense of humour - the perfect fit for our team!
