
3 Ways to Create Social Media Content That Attracts Leads

BY Mandy Pawley


9 February 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Social media content is considered one of the best forms of content marketing. With the right strategy, it can strengthen your online presence, engage and interact with your target audience, and bring in the leads. But if your marketing strategies aren’t attracting your expected clients, it might be time to use a different approach.

One way to gauge if your content-based campaigns influence your customers and prospects to click “buy now” or “register now”, is how they communicate directly with your brand. For instance, likes, comments, and direct messages may start coming in when you post a text, photo, or video that offers value.

However, if none of your followers are reacting and communicating with you, it’s a warning sign that you should reconsider your tactics. Here are some ways to churn out the best social media content that attracts leads:


Add a call to action (CTA) in every post

1. Add a call to action (CTA) in every post

CTAs entice your target customers to take heed of your desired action after reading your social media content. It may sound so simple to do, but unfortunately, CTAs are often overlooked. That’s why you should always incorporate CTAs in your social media content. By following this simple procedure, your customers and prospects know how to engage with your brand by interacting more with your business and buying your products and services.

To create effective CTAs, you need to determine what you want your audience to do and ask them to do it! For instance, you can create something like “schedule a consultation today,” or “subscribe to our mailing list to stay updated with the latest in the industry”.

You can also use common social media language with your CTAs, like “comment with your favourite emoji on this post.” Incorporating CTAs and utilising customer engagement helps you see who is paying attention to your content. Consider working with a social media company for further assistance with creating compelling and effective content!


Post compelling, storytelling social media content

2. Post compelling, storytelling social media content

Stories are at the heart of excellent social media marketing and content strategy. Story type content can catch the attention of your audience right away, provide them with an immersive experience, and let you connect with viewers on a deeper level. Ensure that you integrate this type of content into your social media posts.

When sharing stories be aware that a long, complicated one will likely turn your viewers away and may just bore them to death! The internet is filled with fast, easy-to-digest content. Therefore, create simple and straightforward social media content or stories which are relevant to your branding and correctly focused for your target audience.

Your stories can be created using your past campaigns or be created from conventional storylines. What’s important is the content to be relevant to your audience and brand identity. They also don’t always have to be in a text format. Consider exploring other content mediums, such as high-quality infographics, animation, explainer videos, or photos.


Host a Q & A on Facebook or Instagram Live

3. Host a Q & A on Facebook or Instagram Live

Depending on your marketing goals, social media has various features which you can take advantage of. One of the most popular features is live streaming, particularly Q & A sessions on Facebook or Instagram live. Doing this enables you to interact with your audience more effectively. They can submit their questions, and you can answer them in real-time. You can even save a copy of the live video and turn the content into individual posts.


Anyone can come up with social media posts, but it takes commitment to create effective content that can convert followers into customers. By applying what you learned in this guide and collaborating with a digital marketing agency like ours, you can make sure your content is appealing to your target audience and have a greater chance of reaching your goals.

Chat to us today to find out how Digital Noir can help you with your social media strategy and content creation.

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